The first Seventh-Day church in Trinidad and Tobago was organized November 23rd 1895 at Couva. The first building was dedicated on January 15th, 1897 by Pastor E.W. Webster. This was replaced by a structure dedicated on January 23, 1938 by Pastor A.R. Ogden. After extensive renovations to this building there was a special thanksgiving with Pastor A.A. Ward on October 27, 1963. Time, change and growth have built the facilities dedicated with Pastors E.J. Murray and E. Mitchell on August 30, 1897.

Ps. Ian Morris

Pastor Ian D. Morris is a family man who loves people, prophecy, personal health and progress. He is excited about the next four years at the Pioneer district, and is convinced God wants to show Himself great in Couva and beyond.

Eld. Joel Graham

Elder Joel Graham is the first elder for the Pioneer Seventh-Day Adventist Church. He has served the church well for many years. He loves God, family and people and wants the word of God to come alive in our experiences.

Sis. Cheryl-Ann Forde

Cheryl-Ann Forde is the Church Clerk for the Pioneer Seventh-day Adventist Church. She is faithfully committed in her duties in this role and enjoys giving her time and service in doing God’s work.